I encountered an issue trying to design a SRAM memory. To be more specific, the memory is clocked, has a write enable - when high, one could write data and when low, one could read data - , an address input, which specifies the memory address to/from which data is written/read. Then, I created a module named user
, which facilitates the write operation; thus, there is no need to provide a memory address when writing data.
My problem occurs when I try to simulate the circuit, because there cannot be seen anything when accessing the content of the memory. Within the test bench, I specified some values to be stored in the memory, then, I extracted data, but no success.
I attached the code here.
//stores instructions
module sram_1port_instructions(
input clk,//clocked memory
input wr_en,//when high, data is writeen, otherwise is read
input [15:0] address_in,//suppose timer cannot count more than 13ms
input [2:0] wr_data,//3 bit instructions
output reg [2:0] rd_data
reg [2:0] memory [2 ** 15 - 1 : 0];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(wr_en) memory[address_in] <= wr_data;
else rd_data <= memory[address_in];
//user interface designed for the first memory
module user(
input clk,
input wr_en,
input [15:0] address_in,
input [2:0] wr_data,
output [2:0] rd_data
reg [15:0] pointer,address;
initial pointer = 16'd0;
sram_1port_instructions i0(.clk(clk),.wr_en(wr_en),.address_in(address_in),.wr_data(wr_data),.rd_data(rd_data));
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(wr_en) begin
address <= pointer;
pointer <= pointer + 1;
else address <= address_in;
//user tb
module user_tb(
output reg clk, wr_en,
output reg [15:0] address_in,
output reg [2:0] wr_data,
output [2:0] rd_data
user cut(.clk(clk),.wr_en(wr_en),.address_in(address_in),.wr_data(wr_data),.rd_data(rd_data));
initial $dumpvars(0,user_tb);
initial begin
clk = 1'd1;
repeat (2000)
#100 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
wr_en = 1'd1;
#100000 wr_en = 1'd0;
integer i;
initial begin
wr_data = 3'd0;
for(i = 1;i < 500;i = i + 1) begin
#200 wr_data = i;
initial begin
address_in = 16'd0;
#100000 address_in = 16'd0;
for(i = 1;i < 500;i = i + 1) begin
#200 address_in = i;
When I run your simulation and look at waveforms, I see rd_data
=3 at time 100000. At that time, you read address 0, and that is the last value you wrote to address 0. Otherwise, all your reads of other addresses return X (unknown). When you do all your writes, you only write to address 0. From time=0 to time=100000, wr_en
=1, and address_in
=0 (inside your sram_1port_instructions
module). You can see this when you look at the waveforms in your VCD file.
changes every clock cycle, but you write to the same address every cycle.
But, in user
, if you connect the address
signal to the to address_in
port of the sram_1port_instructions
module, you will write to different addresses.
sram_1port_instructions i0(.clk(clk),.wr_en(wr_en),.address_in(address_in),.wr_data(wr_data),.rd_data(rd_data));
sram_1port_instructions i0(.clk(clk),.wr_en(wr_en),.address_in(address),.wr_data(wr_data),.rd_data(rd_data));
Your code has the constant address_in
signal connected to the address_in
When I make that change, I see all different values being read from the RAM.