
XPath 'or' operator using the 'pipe' character?

Within an AutoHotKey routine I'm using MSXML6 to parse an XML document.

doc := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
doc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath")
doc.async := false

In the SelectNodes line I wish to filter the results to only two nodes: way|rel

It doesn't throw an error but ignores rel returning only way nodes.

This syntax works when using it in Saxon. Is there a solution to this in MSXML, or is there an alternative parser I could implement?


  • XPath 2.0 is required to use the | within a single XPath like that. MSXML supports only XPath 1.0.

    XPath 1.0

    @wp78de's answer works (+1), but you can avoid having to duplicate the tag[@k='railway'][@v='station'] condition across | by using the self:: axis within the predicate :

    osm/*[(self::way or self::rel) and tag[@k='railway'][@v='station']]

    XPath 2.0

    For the benefit of later readers who might be using a XPath 2.0 library:

    osm/(way|rel)[tag[@k='railway' and @v='station']]

    (@wp78de had posted this too prior to realizing that OP was limited to XPath 1.0.)