I have two functions :
string get_GPGGA() {
// read_gga_sentence extract only gga
return gps.read_gga_sentence();
string get_GPGSA() {
// read_gsa_sentence extract only gsa
return gps.read_gsa_sentence();
int main() {
while(true) {
cout << get_GPGGA();
cout << get_GPGSA();
The problem is, the gps module transmit 4 sentences in one second. So the first time I call read_gga_sentence(), I have discarded all the other sentences and kept gga. and the same with read_gsa_sentence. But I found out that this creates a delay in my program, because once I call the first get_GPGGA(), it waits 1 second, and then I can call get_GPGSA(). However, I want to be able to print them all in the same 1 second
Do I need multithreading here?
You don't need multithreading, just buffering and a gps.Read() function. Which library do you use ?
GPS messages are text/line based:
Read them and store each line in a buffer. Then read your buffer starting from the end and find the last GGA message.
You code could be something like
// wait 1 GPS message
string get_GPGGA() {
// read_gga_sentence extract only gga
return buffer.read_last_gga_sentence();
string get_GPGSA() {
// Wait 1 GPS message
// read_gsa_sentence extract last gsa
return buffer.read_gsa_sentence();
int main() {
while(true) {
cout << get_GPGGA();
cout << get_GPGSA();
Create a GPSBuffer class
class GPSBuffer {
void add(string msg);
string read_last_gga_sentence();
string read_last_gga_sentence();
} buffer;