I am trying to set html page in wxHtmlWindow
. It is loading all the basic tags except html video tag.
Note: My HTML file with the same video tag is working fine (Video is playing).
html = new wxHtmlWindow(this);
html -> SetRelatedFrame(this, _("wxHTML Demo: '%s'"));
html -> SetRelatedStatusBar(1);
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
html->SetPage("<html><head><title>File System Example</title>"
"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='memory:test.css'>"
"</head><body><h1>Page 2</h1>"
"<p><a href='memory:page1.htm'>Page 1</a> was better.</p>"
"<video width='700px' controls> <source src='myvideo.mp4' type='video/mp4' /></body></html>");
It supports only a limited set of tags, and was not even intended to cover them all.
But, wxHtmlWindow supports tag handlers. This means that you can easily extend wxHtml library with new, unsupported tags.