I am compiling this shader with glslangValidator, and am using OpenGL 4.3 Core Profile with the extension GL_ARB_gl_spirv, and using the GLAD webservice to generate function pointers to access the Core OpenGL API, and SDL2 to create the context, if that is of any use.
If I have a fragment shader like so:
#version 430 core
//output Fragment Color
layout (location = 0) out vec4 outFragColor;
//Texture coordinates passed from the vertex shader
layout (location = 0) in vec2 inTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D inTexture;
void main()
outFragColor = texture(inTexture, inTexCoord);
How would I be able to set which texture unit inTexture
From what I have read online through documents, I cannot use glGetUniformLocation
to get the location of this uniform to use in glUniform1i
, because of the fact I am using SPIR-V, instead of GLSL directly.
What would I need to do to set it in a fashion like glUniform1i
? Do I need to set the location
in the layout modifier? The binding
? I've tried to use Uniform Buffer Objects, but apparently sampler2D
can only be a uniform.
Since GLSL 4.20, you have the ability to set the binding point for any opaque type like samplers from GLSL code directly. This is done through the binding
layout(binding = #) uniform sampler2D inTexture;
The #
here is whatever binding index you want to use. This is the index you use when binding the texture: glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + #)
. That is, you don't need to use glProgramUniform
to set the uniform's value anymore; you already set it in the shader.
If you want to modify the binding dynamically (and you shouldn't), GLSL 4.30 offers the ability to set the location for any non-block uniform
value via the location
layout(location = #) uniform sampler2D inTexture;
This makes #
the uniform's location, which you can pass to any glProgramUniform