Is there a way I can include include files inside include files? (Say that five times fast!)
For example:
Inside index.html:
<!--#include virtual="/include-1.shtml"-->
Inside include1.shtml:
<!--#include virtual="/include-2.shtml"-->
So the tree looks like this: index.html <-- include_1.shtml <-- include_2.shtml
As is, this is not working on my Apache. The first include works fine, but the content for the nested include doesn't display.
As it is relevant, I am using the XBitHack on Apache 2, and I've double checked that both files are executable by the web user.
Make sure that Apache is actually trying to process the *.shtml files. Try putting
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
in a *.shtml file and seeing if you get the expected results. Do you get the same result in a *.html file? If you don't see the dates in both, your configuration is off.