I am using Leaflet Map with geocoder (ESRI) and Routing Machine. I have added two markers, let's say my home and my work
var marker_work = L.marker([50.27, 19.03], { title: 'MyWork'}).addTo(map)
var marker_home = L.marker([50.10, 18.4], { title: 'MyHome'}).addTo(map)
Here is an example fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/21nmk8so/1/
How can I add this markers/point as a predefined places for ControlGeocoder? I want to use them in search and use as a start point / end point for route calculation.
Another example for the same question: how to add custom-fake city with lat/lon and be able to search (find route) to/from that city.
I don't know if this is the best solution but it is working:
Create a custom Geocoder Class which overwrites the geocode
function. There you can overwrite the result function and apply suggestions to the result.
L.CustomGeocoder = L.Control.Geocoder.Nominatim.extend({
suggestions: [],
this.suggestions = arr;
this.suggestions.push({name: marker.options.title, center: marker.getLatLng()});
var results = [];
if(point.name.indexOf(query) > -1){
point.center = L.latLng(point.center);
point.bbox = point.center.toBounds(100);
return results;
geocode(query, resultFnc, context) {
var that = this;
var callback = function(results){
var sugg = that.getResultsOfSuggestions(query);
L.Control.Geocoder.Nominatim.prototype.geocode.call(that,query, callback, context);
Then you have to use the new Geocoder Class:
var geocoder = new L.CustomGeocoder({});
var control = L.Routing.control({
waypoints: [],
router: new L.Routing.osrmv1({
language: 'en',
profile: 'car'
geocoder: geocoder
And finally you can add suggestions over markers and theier title
option over createSuggestionFromMarker(marker)
or setSuggestions(arr)
var suggestions = [
name: 'Test Car 1',
center: [50.27, 19.03]
name: 'Test Car 2',
center: [50.10, 18.4]
var marker_work = L.marker([50.27, 19.03], { title: 'MyWork'}).addTo(map);
var marker_home = L.marker([50.10, 18.4], { title: 'MyHome'}).addTo(map);
Update, use marker Ref instead of fix latlng
Change this two function, then the marker is referenced and it always searches from the current position of the marker:
this.suggestions.push({name: marker.options.title, marker: marker});
var results = [];
if(point.name.indexOf(query) > -1){
point.center = point.marker.getLatLng();
point.center = L.latLng(point.center);
point.bbox = point.center.toBounds(100);
return results;
You can test this in the demo, when you drag the marker