I have a python script heavy_lifting.py
that I have parallelized using GNU Parallel called from a bash wrapper script wrapper.sh
. I use this to process fastq formatted files see example.fastq
below. While this works, it is inelegant to require the use of two interpreters and sets of dependencies. I would like to rewrite the bash wrapper script using python while achieving the same parallelization.
This is an example of an input file that needs to be processed. This input file is often very long (~500,000,000) lines.
@SRR6750041.1 1/1
@SRR6750041.2 2/1
@SRR6750041.3 3/1
@SRR6750041.4 4/1
Below are minimal reproducible examples of the scripts I am starting out with.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
# Read in arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputFastq', required=True, help='forward .fastq')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputFastq', required=True, help='output .fastq')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Iterate through input file and append to output file
with open(args.inputFastq, "r") as infile:
with open(args.outputFastq, "a") as outfile:
for line in infile:
outfile.write("modified" + line)
# split the input fastq for parallel processing. One split fastq file will be created for each core available.
split --number="l/$NUMCORES" $FASTQ_F split_fastq_F_
# Feed split fastq files to GNU Parallel to invoke parallel executions of `heavy_lifting.py`
ls split_fastq_F* | awk -F "split_fastq_F" '{print $2}' | parallel "python heavy_lifting.py -i split_fastq_F{} -o output.fastq"
#remove intermediate split fastq files
rm split_fastq_*
To execute these scripts I use the command bash wrapper.sh
. You can see that a results file output.fastq
is created and contains a modified fastq file.
Below is my attempt to invoke parallel processing using a python wrapper wrapper.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import heavy_lifting
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
numcores = 4
fastq_F = "fastq_F.fastq"
#Create some logic to split the input fastq file into chunks for parallel processing.
# Get input fastq file dimensions
with open(fastq_F, "r") as infile:
length_fastq = len(infile.readlines())
lines = infile.readlines()
split_size = length_fastq / numcores
# Iterate through input fastq file writing lines to outfile in bins.
counter = 0
split_counter = 0
split_fastq_list = []
with open(fastq_F, "r") as infile:
for line in infile:
if counter == 0:
filename = str("./split_fastq_F_" + str(split_counter))
outfile = open(filename, "a")
counter += 1
elif counter <= split_size:
counter += 1
counter = 0
split_counter += 1
Parallel(n_jobs=numcores)(delayed(heavy_lifting)(i, "output.fastq") for i in split_fastq_list)
I seem to be be most confused about how to properly feed the input arguments into the invocation of "Parallel" in the python wrapper.py script. Any help is much appreciated!
expects function's name, not file/module name
So in heavy_lifting
you have to put code in function (with arguments instead of args
def my_function(inputFastq, outputFastq):
with open(inputFastq, "r") as infile:
with open(outputFastq, "a") as outfile:
for line in infile:
outfile.write("modified" + line)
And then you can use
Parallel(n_jobs=numcores)(delayed(heavy_lifting.my_function)(i, "output.fastq") for i in split_fastq_list)