
Customize Minitest output to growl

In my rails app I am using:

when a test runs in the background:

enter image description here

I get this from Growl:

enter image description here

Great to know that at least one test failed. Any way to add that summary that reports the number i.e. 2 failures etc.?


  • You can change the behavior by modifying Guard::Minitest::Notifier.notify:

    require 'guard/compat/plugin'
    module Guard
      class Minitest < Plugin
        class Notifier
          # ...
          def self.notify(test_count, assertion_count, failure_count, error_count, skip_count, duration)
            message = guard_message(test_count, assertion_count, failure_count, error_count, skip_count, duration)
            image   = guard_image(failure_count + error_count, skip_count)
            # title: was just 'Minitest results'
            Compat::UI.notify(message, title: message, image: image)

    The title 'Minitest results' is most likely just a cludged placeholder. This example sets it to the same output as you get in the CLI but you can really do whatever you want here.

    You would preferably do this by forking the gem and setting your gemfile to pull from your fork.

    gem 'minitest-guard', github: 'yourusername/minitest-guard'