
How to terminate AWS managed blockchain instance

I followed these instructions below to get an AWS Ethereum instance running, however since I am just learning blockchain, I would like to create an image and start/stop as needed. However when I go to EC2 and stop my instance, it restarts. I saw other posts about this being caused by elastic beanstalk but when I go to elastic beanstalk, I don't see anything there. What else could be causing it to restart? Thanks!


  • If you check the source code of one of its nested stacks ethereum-autoscalegroup.template.yaml, you can see that it actually creates instances in an autoscaling group (ASG).

    Instances in ASG can't be stopped. However, you can terminate them, by setting desired capacity and minimum capacity to 0 of your ASG. Then if you want to create new instances when you need them, you can change desired capacity back to 1.