I want to add another events when the button is clicked. i use addTarget to observe the button when is clicked and call a method name showModal. see the code below.
headerView.addTaskButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(showModal), for: .touchUpInside)
and i want to add another action when that button is pressed. but i don’t know where.
is there any way to do it with addTarget? like adding closure and stuff?
in showModal method, everything calling that method will be updated the mode as .editso i don’t want to put that in showModal method. is there anyway?
You can have 2 actions declared :
func commonAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
// code for all buttons
func showModal(_ sender: UIButton) {
Another option : set the tag of the button to know if you must do the action :
func commonActionOrModal(_ sender: UIButton) {
If sender.tag == 1 {
// code for all buttons