I'm using this function to print directly to printer. The first print is ok but when I try to print another document I get this error:
"The printer "EPSON WF-5710" appears to be different than the previously used printer with the same name or the connection may not be trustworthy. If this is expected, tap "Continue".
How can I resolve this issiue? This is the code that I used for print
func printDocument(dataToPrint: Data?){
let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.shared
let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary:nil)
printInfo.outputType = .general
printInfo.jobName = ""
printInfo.printerID = AppSettings.printerURL
printController.printInfo = printInfo
printController.printingItem = dataToPrint ?? Data()
let url = NSURL(string: AppSettings.printerURL)
let printerObj = UIPrinter(url: url! as URL)
printController.print(to: printerObj, completionHandler: nil)
printController.present(animated: true, completionHandler: nil)
I found issiue. Printer was set to redirect http to https and ipp was set to allow only proteced. Now works correctly