I have an ashx receiving login/password and send error message if it's wrong but if it's good make a RedirectFromLoginPage.
Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
Dim LesDatas As New MyEntities
Dim username As String = GetParamURL("UserName")
Dim password As String = GetParamURL("Password")
If Not IdentifyCollab(username, password, LesDatas) Then
HelperJournal.Log("Echec de connexion :" & username)
loginStatut = LoginFailed(GetIPAddress, LesDatas)
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(ConnectedUser.Login, False)
End If
End Sub
If You use directly the ashx in browser url zone : http://localhost:5959/login/login.ashx?UserName=toto&Password=MyPass, you're directly redirect in the default page http://localhost:5959//choix.aspx
But If I call it from JS :
$.post("/Login/Login.ashx?UserName=" + mdp1 + "&Password=" + mdp2, {},
function (response,tt,ti) {
if (response.indexOf("html") === -1) $("#ResultConnexion").html(response); else {
window.history.pushState("", "", '/choix.aspx');
var newWindow = window.open("", "_self");
I need to use pushState to correct the url in browser, and window.open/write to display the defaultpage. But like you can see, I write in hard "/choix.aspx", cause the url are not modify and stay on referer URL (my login page http://localhost:5959/Login/login.html) But If I can have automaticly the good URL when I use in browser my ashx, it's seems the URL information is sent.
In function use in response of $post I note severals parameters : response,tt,ti response is the text to display page in return tt="success" ti is an object with lot of informations... but I don't see where is URL. If someone can help me.
I just find a way here
In my masterpage
Private Sub Choix_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
Response.AppendHeader("X-MONAPPLI", HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery)
End Sub
and in login.js
$.post("/Login/Login.ashx?UserName=" + mdp1 + "&Password=" + mdp2, {},
function (response, tt, xhrreq) {
if (response.indexOf("html") === -1) $("#ResultConnexion").html(response); else {
window.history.replaceState("", "", xhrreq.getResponseHeader("X-MONAPPLI"));
var newWindow = window.open("", "_self");
I use replaceState instead of pushstate cause I've secyrity error