I installed ghost and ghost-CLI on Windows 10. When I run ghost start
I get the error below. how to fix this? It seems related to the command to check file and folder permissions. Note that I'm running ghost in the D: drive.
By the way, if I run ghost run
it works.
D:\onlinehelp>ghost start
Process manager 'systemd' will not run on this system, defaulting to 'local'
√ Checking current folder permissions
√ Validating config
× Checking folder permissions
× Checking file permissions
√ Checking memory availability
One or more errors occurred.
1) Checking folder permissions
Message: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /q /s /c "find ./ -type d ! -perm 775 ! -perm 755"
FIND: Parameter format not correct
Exit code: 2
2) Checking file permissions
Message: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /q /s /c "find ./ -type f ! -path "./versions/*" ! -perm 664 ! -perm 644"
File not found - ./
File not found - -TYPE
File not found - F
File not found - !
File not found - -PATH
File not found - !
File not found - -PERM
File not found - 664
File not found - !
File not found - -PERM
File not found - 644
Exit code: 1
Debug Information:
OS: Microsoft Windows, v10.0.16299
Node Version: v8.9.1
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.7.2
Environment: production
Command: 'ghost start'
Additional log info available in: C:\Users\pablo\.ghost\logs\ghost-cli-debug-2018-05-01T16_58_30_857Z.log
Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.
Please refer to https://docs.ghost.org/v1/docs/troubleshooting#section-cli-errors for troubleshooting.
This isn't an ideal solution but it worked for me.
Ghost uses linux's find
command to check permissions, this command does not exist on windows (or at least the windows find
command does not accept the same arguments.
I was pretty sure my permissions were fine, so I decided to bypass the check.
To do so, locate where ghost-cli is installed globally, in my case it was
In there, you want to find lib\commands\doctor\checks\check-permissions.js
you will notice a line that starts with
return execa.shell(
This is the line we want to avoid, to do so, we can return a result before it is run, in my case I added the line return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.resolve();
return execa.shell(checkTypes[type].command, {maxBuffer: Infinity}).then((result) => {