What will be the credentials in settings.py
, to send this sms
via third party api
. Like where to give HOST_NAME, PASSWORD, API_KEY
message = SmsMessage(body='Project Created', from_phone='+923117593775', to=['+923411727228'])
You can use python's request library for making requests to APIs. SMSBox has different APIs for accessing the services. This one is for sending a SMS.
import requests
from django.conf import settings
def sendSMS(message, from ,to):
url = 'https://www.smsbox.com/SMSGateway/Services/Messaging.asmx/Http_SendSMS'
payload = {
"username": settings.SMSUsername,
"password": settings.SMSPassword,
"customerId": settings.SMSCutomerID,
"senderText": settings.SMSSenderName,
"messageBody": str(message),
"recipientNumbers": ','.join(to),
"isBlink": False,
"isFlash": False
response = request.post(url, payload)
Now in your settings.py, you can have the required setting variables
SMSUsername = 'your_username'
SMSPassword = 'your_password'
SMSCutomerID = 'your_customer_id'
SMSSenderName 'sms_sender_name'
Twilio has a supported python SDK package for integration of its services, so you can directly implement it, but for platforms who don't have SDK support for python/django, you can use requests
library to call APIs as per their documentation.
This function was made according to the documentation provided by SMSBox, you can create your own functions as per your requirement and the API documentation.