I got an EnvironmentObject named appState
, which is accessed through some of my views to share data/states. The way I use them in a view is like this:
struct MetalView: NSViewRepresentable {
@EnvironmentObject var appState: AppState
How can I access appState
from my view's Coordinator class?
When I try to call it in any way I've tried yet, I get this error:
Instance member 'appState' of type 'MetalView' cannot be used on instance of nested type 'MetalView.Coordinator'
Here is how I solved this:
class AppState: ObservableObject {
static let shared = AppState()
init () {} // TODO: was private init, find out if this has benefits
@Published var currentView: String = "login"
// add rest of shared stuff below
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
let appState = AppState.shared
Access from SwiftUI Views:
struct ContentView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var appState: AppState
Access from NSViewRepresentable / UIViewRepresentable Coordinator Class:
class Coordinator: NSObject, MTKViewDelegate {
func draw(in view: MTKView) {
context.render((AppState.shared.rawImage ?? AppState.shared.rawImageOriginal)!,
to: drawable.texture,
commandBuffer: commandBuffer,
bounds: AppState.shared.rawImageOriginal!.extent,
colorSpace: colorSpace)