I'm trying to learn more about CarPlay. Specifically using CPTabBarTemplate
(a new template as of 2020 and iOS 14).
What I'm looking to do is programmatically change the selectedTemplate
, just as if I were updating a selectedTab
in a UITabBar
An example flow would be a CPTabBarTemplate
with two tabs. A CPPointOfInterestTemplate
and a CPInformationTemplate
tabBarTemplate = CPTabBarTemplate(templates: [pointOfInterestTemplate, informationTemplate])
The user could select a point of interest and from the poi detail screen choose a button that might say "Select", just like in Apple's example from their WWDC20 talk.
Upon pressing "Select", I want to programmatically take the user to the informationTemplate
of the tabBarTemplate
and then use the selected location's details to populate information in the informationTemplate.
I might not be understanding the way Apple expects CPTabBarTemplate
to be used. There does exist a selectedTab
property of CPTabBarTemplate
. However, that property is get
only. Which leads me to believe that the desired way to switch tabs is let the user tap the next tab themselves.
How does one programmatically update the selected tab of a CPTabBarTemplate
Thanks for reading!
I don't think this is currently possible. The public interface of CPTabBarTemplate
is very short but I couldn't even get it working by calling private api. Neither calling tabTemplate.perform(Selector(("setIndexOfSelectedTab:")), with: 1)
nor the invoking function tabTemplate.perform(Selector(("handleActionForControlIdentifier:")), with: tabTemplates[1].value(forKey: "identifier"))
made the trick (even though the tab bar delegate function is called with the correct selected template).