
iruby no bash commands possible in jupyter notebook

I am using iruby in my jupyter notebook and the kernel is working as expected and accepting all kind of ruby syntax

Unfortunately the %%bash command leads to an error. So no console commands are usable in my notebook. If i switch back to the basic python kernel, the %%bash commands are working as expected.

How can i achieve that the bash commands are working in the iruby kernel? Is there something I forgot to install or set up?

I use following settings in Ubuntu 20.04:

I also use rvm to manage my ruby version.

Basic setup

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev
sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo -H pip3 install virtualenv
pip install jupyter

Installing iruby

gem install ffi-rzmq
gem install iruby --pre
iruby register --force

setup and start

rvm use ruby-2.7.2
mkdir ~/ruby_notebook

virtualenv ~/ruby_notebook/ruby_env
source ~/ruby_notebook/ruby_env/bin/activate

jupyter notebook --notebook-dir ~/ruby_notebook

But following error occurs: enter image description here

Any ideas how to solve this issue at all so that I can use bash commands?

======== UPDATE and Solution ======

Thanks to engineersmnky I found the solution:

like in python notebook I want to achieve following output:

python bash command

with the command %x(ls -la) I get an execution but the output looks different like

enter image description here

So to get a correct output I added following:

%x(ls -la).each_line(chomp: true){|s| p s}

which comes close to the output but followed by an exection strinfg output in the notebook.

enter image description here

So my final solution, also to make the execution command less complicated I am using a method in the beginning of my notebook now.

def execute_console(input)
  %x(#{input}).each_line(chomp: true){|s| p s}
  return nil

This way I can execute special command sin my notebook using rails like

rails routes


execute_console('rails routes')

and the output is like expected without any string output.

enter image description here

Syntax errors are printed out as expected as well.


  • To execute commands at a system level you can use any of the following: Kernel#system, %x (see below for more about percent strings), or Kernel#` ("back ticks")


    These will all run in process and return the output as a String.

    If you want the commands to run in a separate process you can use other options such as IO.popen or fork { exec('pwd') } ( if supported by the OS)

    TL;DR Why the error is occurring

    Now to explain your actual error and why it is occurring.

    This line is but %%bash is being interpreted by ruby and it is looking for a closing %. % is another way of creating a string literal (called a "Percent String").

    The interesting part about this syntax is it does not really have a defined delimiter. (essentially most non-alphanumerics can open and close)

    #=> "bash" 
    #=> "bash"
    #=> "bash"

    The last line of the docs states

    If you are using “(”, “[”, “{”, “<” you must close it with “)”, “]”, “}”, “>” respectively. You may use most other non-alphanumeric characters for percent string delimiters such as “%”, “|”, “^”, etc.

    In your case % is being used as the delimiter: e.g.

    #=> "bash" 

    but since there is no closing % this is being interpreted as:


    Thus the error you are receiving because the String ("bash\npwd) is unterminated.