
Replacing Duplicates in a column of list type in Pandas

Background Info: I have a dataframe df which has various columns out of which the focus is the column called 'genres'


The problem can be seen in this image, there are entries where duplicates are found for example '[Drama, Romance]' and '[Romance, Drama]' are the same thing

  1. Now the objective is to remove/replace duplicates programmatically such that the variation is replaced with its equivalent form such as this.


'[Drama, Romance]' and '[Romance, Drama]'

Now [Romance, Drama] is replaced with [Drama, Romance] or vice versa instead of complete removal we just replace the list's content

Output - Before Replacing Duplicates '[Drama, Romance]' and '[Romance, Drama]'

Expected Output - After Replacing Duplicates '[Drama, Romance]'

  1. Filter df column 'genres' to only include genres with list entries not exceeding 3 genres for example remove any rows with more than 3 genres. Example of acceptable result in 'genres' column:

I have tried the following:

#to delist the 'genres' column
df['genres'] = df.genres.apply(', '.join)

# code sample of manually replaced duplicated content in genres column
df['genres'] = df['genres'].str.replace("Romance, Drama","Drama, Romance")
df['genres'] = df['genres'].str.replace("Drama, Comedy","Comedy, Drama")

The above code works but it is done manually for individual duplicates so I want to find a way to code this for all of the duplicates found in 'genres' column of df


  • Assuming list data type for each row within the column:

    1. You can first sort the list per row with sorted

    2. Then filter the rows of the dataframe with loc and get the value_counts()

      df['genres'] = df['genres'].apply(lambda x: sorted(x))
      df.loc[df['genres'].apply(lambda x: len(x) <= 3), 'genres'].value_counts()