I am using MS access to create a query to determine if a birth date falls between a start date and an end date found in another table and if so provide a symbol found on the same table as the start and end dates.
I keep getting 2 results for each date of birth and don't know why.
Can anyone help out to only have one set of results per date of birth?
I have attached the code below.
SELECT [TBL_IndicativeData_AllPpts].ID, [TBL_IndicativeData_AllPpts]![DOB] AS DOB, IIf([TBL_IndicativeData_AllPpts]![DOB] Between [TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Earliest Birth Date] And [TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Latest Birth Date],[TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Fund Symbol],"Null") AS TargetDateFund
FROM TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate, [TBL_IndicativeData_AllPpts]
WHERE (((IIf([TBL_IndicativeData_AllPpts]![DOB] Between [TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Earliest Birth Date] And [TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Latest Birth Date],[TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Fund Symbol],"Null"))<>"null"));
This will return the records that match the criteria:
[TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Fund Symbol]
[TBL_IndicativeData_AllPpts]![DOB] Between
[TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Earliest Birth Date] And
[TBL_Mapping_Funds_TargetDate]![Latest Birth Date]
However, it the TargetDate table has overlappeing date ranges, you may receive dupes. If so, try with SELECT DISTINCT ...