
Get map tiles bounding box

Is it possible to get tiles LngLat bounding box? (and center/width if possible)

I.e given any tile "id" (e.g 6/33/24), calculate wanted coordinates. I'm so desperate to get an answer that I don't even care in what language it's written.


Tile "id" has 3 parts: 6/33/24 (z/x/y).

z being floored zoom (0-24) and x/y tile number from left/top origin point.

When zoom is 1, whole map is divided into 4 equal tiles (shown in graphic). Every time zoom (z) increases, each tile is subdivided into 4 equal tiles (e.g zoom 2 = 16 tiles).

|          |           |
|  1/0/0   |   1/1/0   |
|          |           |
|          |           |
|  1/0/1   |   1/1/1   |
|          |           |


I want to implement client-side marker cache and binding them to tiles seems to be the most reasonable solution. I know how to get tiles (loop over sourceCaches tiles or use few transform methods) but I have no idea how to get LngLat data from tile matrices or tile IDs.

Super basic JavaScript concept of marker cache (for context):

const markerCache = {
  cache: {},

  getMarkersForTile: function(key) { // tiles have unique keys
    if (this.cache[key]) {
      return Promise.resolve(this.cache[key]);

    // ??? what should be in "getTileBounds"?
    const bounds = getTileBounds(key);
    return fetchMarkersForTile(bounds).then(markers => {
      this.cache[key] = markers;
      return markers;


  • I believe you are looking for this library:

    It includes the tileToBBOX(tile) function, which will return you a bounding box for the given tile.


    var tilebelt = require('@mapbox/tilebelt');
    var tile = [10,15,8] // x,y,z
    var bbox = tilebelt.tileToBBOX(tile);