I tried a few queries and found that some of the SQL queries are working while some are not.
I uploaded test data using dev tools. I have uploaded a few hundred documents (crwaler) as well.
PUT /library/book/_bulk?refresh&pretty
{"index":{"_id": "Leviathan Wakes"}}
{"name": "Leviathan Wakes", "author": "James S.A. Corey", "release_date": "2011-06-02", "page_count": 561}
{"index":{"_id": "Hyperion"}}
{"name": "Hyperion", "author": "Dan Simmons", "release_date": "1989-05-26", "page_count": 482}
{"index":{"_id": "Dune"}}
{"name": "Dune", "author": "Frank Herbert", "release_date": "1965-06-01", "page_count": 604}
SHOW tables LIKE %;
select * from .kibana_1;
This works as expected:
select * from library where page_count > 500 and name = 'Dune'
select * from cwl-2021.01.05
Getting an error "no response"
select * from cwl*
select * from cwl* where requestID = '3FB4131539FD4403'
The pipe query language works as expected only with library index.
search source=library page_count > 500 and name = 'Dune'
It does not work with other indices like .kibana_1 or cwl-2021.01.05
I am not sure how SQL and PPL is supported in AWS elasticsearch instance.
You can always use backtick for this user case. e.g.
POST /_opendistro/_ppl
"query": """