
LinkedHashSet alternative in python

Iterator i1=h1.iterator();
int p=(int)(;

Please explain this code in python programming language term, here h1 is linkedhashset Thanks in advance


  • You have different ways to iterate a "LinkedHashSet", for example using: "forEach" or "iterate".

    An iterator is an object that can be used to iterate all the elements in a collection. The Iterator has two important methods (hasNext, next).

    I put an explanation about each line of your code

    Iterator i1 = h1.iterator(); //obtain an iterator of the collection
    while(i1.hasNext()) { // Continue iterating because has a next element 
      int p=(int)(; //return the next element and parse it to "int"

    Also with an Iterator you can add or remove elements.

    Additional resources:

    Java Iterator - Geeks for Geeks

    Java official Documentation