
How do I subtract and add vectors with gensim KeyedVectors?

I need to add and subtract word vectors, for a project in which I use gensim.models.KeyedVectors (from the word2vec-google-news-300 model)

Unfortunately, I've tried but can't manage to do it correctly.

Let's look at the poular example queen ~= king - man + woman.
When I want to subtract man from king and add woman,
I can do this with gensim by

# model is loaded using gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load()
model.wv.most_similar(positive=["king", "woman"], negative=["man"])[0]

which, as expected, returns ('queen', 0.7118192911148071) for the model I use.

Now, to achieve the same with adding and subtracting vectors (all of them are unit-normed), I've tried the following code:

 vec_king, vec_man, vec_woman = model.wv["king"], model.wv["man"], model.wv["woman"]
 result = model.similar_by_vector(vec_king - vec_man + vec_woman)[0]

result in the code above is ('king', 0.7992597222328186) which is not what I'd expect.

What is my mistake?


  • You're generally doing the right thing, but note:

    See also similar earlier answer: