
How to scrape metrics-server to prometheus outside kubernetes cluster

I have installed kubernetes metrics-server https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server It works fine, I can use "kubectl top pods" & "kubectl top nodes", Now I want to scrape the metrics to prometheus outside kubernetes cluster to be shown on Grafana, What I have tried are

  1. Expose the metrics-server service using NodePort but not working, some https issue appear
  2. Install metrics-server-exporter from https://github.com/ghouscht/metrics-server-exporter/ (this one only scrape few metrics, I cannot see it on grafana) and https://github.com/grupozap/metrics-server-exporter/ (this one is not an http application, so I cannot expose as a NodePort Service)

What should I do?


  • Try these out and let me know.

    1.First you should run kube-state-metrics which collects all kubernetes metrics .

    2.Using pod annotations on the kube-state-metrics , expose metrics like

    prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
    prometheus.io/port: 'port'
    prometheus.io/path: '/metrics'
    prometheus.io/scheme: 'http'

    This should expose your metrics from the pod level . To check this you can exec in to the pod and do a curl request on the port followed by the path

    3.Now run a prometheus agent which can scrape metrics from this port and send it to the backend db server

    4.Configure prometheus ds in your grafana agent and it should be done