I'm trying to define the relationship between two array type, related by a Wrapper generic type:
interface WrapperType<T> {
innerValue: T;
type InnerArrayType = (TypeA | TypeB | TypeC)[];
type WrappedArrayType = (WrapperType<TypeA>|WrapperType<TypeB>|WrapperType<TypeC>)[];
However, the information between the two union types. When one of them changes, the other one must be manually changed as well. I wonder if there is a reusable utility type that can take the InnerArrayType and the WrapperType and output WrappedArrayType.
type MagicUtility<T> = ???????
type WrappedArrayType = MagicUtility<InnerArrayType>;
// equivalent to
type WrappedArrayType = (WrapperType<TypeA>|WrapperType<TypeB>|WrapperType<TypeC>)[];
In my use case, the list of TypeA, TypeB, TypeC... is predefined, static, and finite. Note that they are NOT string types.
I was able to get Array<Generic of union>
with the method below. So there is a way to convert Array<Generic of union>
to Array<Union of generic>
, the problem would be solved. However, it seems to be an impossible problem: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/27272.
interface MyWrapper<T> {
inner: T;
type ArrayOfUnionToArrayOfUnionOfGeneric<T> =
T extends (infer U)[]
? MyWrapper<U>[]
: never;
type Inner = (1 | 2 | 3)[];
type Outer = ArrayOfUnionToArrayOfUnionOfGeneric<Inner> // MyWrapper<1 | 2 | 3>[]
// MyWrapper<1 | 2 | 3>[] --(HOW???)--> (MyWrapper<1>|MyWrapper<2>|MyWrapper<3>)[]
This is possible using a distributive conditional type: the U extends infer V
part is what distributes over the union.
type MagicUtility<T extends any[]> =
(T extends (infer U)[] ? U extends infer V ? WrapperType<V> : never : never)[]