
Get top 3 IDs with highest amount using window calculation in matillion etl

I have a table that looks like this:

id name amount
1 jesse 192$
2 sam 123$
3 steve 345$
4 josh 234$
5 hamish 452$
6 john 211$
7 watson 111$
8 amir 143$
9 riaz 311$
10 panag 139$

Now, I want the id's of the top 3 people with the highest amount. I searched some around like window functions,aggregate component but I couldn't really find what I need.

I want the result to look like:

id amount
5 452$
3 345$
9 311$


  • You need to use the rank component, order by amount, window function = row number. Then feed that into a filter component, and select row number <=3