
What is the current situation for using Vim as IDE for Haskell on Archlinux?

My target, if doable, is to have command completion for Haskell in work in Vim, via YouCompleteMe. In this respect, as you can see in the following, I haven't found a consesus yet about how to get it to work.

The latest comments on a relevant issue on YouCompleteMe are not that old, therefore I installed haskell-ide-engine from the AUR (the repo on GitHub is here.

However, since it was taking so long (it took 110 minutes!) I checked the PKGBUILD file just to discover this:

# ...
# Supported are '8.4.2' '8.4.3' '8.4.4' '8.6.4' '8.6.5' '8.8.1' '8.8.2' '8.8.3'
# activated by default are the ones also used in a stackage snapshot. Removing
# versions you do not use will greatly reduce the compilation time of this
# package
_enabled_ghc_versions=('8.4.4' '8.6.4' '8.6.5' '8.8.2' '8.8.3')
# ...

Fair enough, my bad. So I searched for help on the #haskell IRC channel, and one user made this comment:

and then you find out that hardly anybody uses haskell-ide-engine anymore but haskell-language-server. and also that ghcup can install the prebuild binaries for you

a comment from another user was

the haskell situation on Arch is not optimal, to say the least

an yet another comment (from Fendor, his answer is already below) was

HIE is not actively developed anymore. Haskell Language Server is the successor. I would recommend Haskell Language Server

which seems not in line with what you can read on YouCompleteMe issue tracker.

So what is the situation at the moment?


  • Setting up Haskell via installing ghcup and then installing all the rest (ghc, cabal, ...) via ghcup, as suggested in this answer, improves by far the experience with Vim and YCM. (Oh, and YCM has to be up to date, clearly.)