I submitted an iOS app which failed review due to a crash. I was given the crash report which unfortunately for me, was useless because I didn't keep the dSYM files and .app file that I apparently needed to decipher the crash report.
First question - I've built a new release and I've stored the dSYMs folder away for safe keeping, but I can't find the .app file that I apparently need. this link here suggested that I could change the .ipa file to a zip and then get the .app from unzipping it but there was nothing in the zipped folder once I changed its extension to .zip How to symbolicate crash/error logs from a Xamarin Forms iOS project?
Second question - How do I symbolicate on windows? I've seen guides like this one, but it only shows you how to do it on a MAC. The problem I have is that the project is entirely built on my windows machine which is networked to a MAC. https://jmillerdev.com/symbolicating-ios-crash-files-xamarin-ios/
I was able to symbolicate the crash reports given by apple from the review by using this guide:
https://jmillerdev.com/symbolicating-ios-crash-files-xamarin-ios/ or How to symbolicate crash/error logs from a Xamarin Forms iOS project?
Basically what you need to do:
Get the .dSYM and .app file from the archived release folder and put it on your MAC in a folder some where. Additionally, put the crash report in the same folder. (The crash report on App Store Connect will be a .txt file. Change it to .crash) Open up the terminal and change the current working directory to that folder I just mentioned. e.g. cd /Applications/crashFolder
Run the following terminal commands
alias symbolicate="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash -v"
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"
symbolicate -o "symbolicatedCrash1.txt" "crash1.crash" "MyApp.app"