
Add leading zeros only to numeric field in CDS?

In my AS ABAP 7.50 system, I have a table where the material length is 18 and I need to expose it via CDS as if the material length was 40 like in S/4. The material IDs in the system can be numeric (with leading zeros) or alphanumeric. The material field needs to be casted to MATNR40, and if the ID is numeric, the leading zeros need to be added up to the 40 characters.

First, I tried `lpad. But of course, it also adds the leading zeros to the alphanumeric values:

lpad( cast(matnr as matnr40), 40, '0' ) as material_long,

Then I added a case but I'm not able to make the condition work as I expect. As konstantin confirmed in the comments, it's not possible to use regex here as I attempted:

case when matnr like '%[^0-9.]%'
     then lpad( cast(matnr as matnr40), 40, '0' )
     else cast(matnr as matnr40)
end as material_long,

Is there a solution within the CDS itself to this problem?

Source table:

MATNR18 Description
000000000000000142 Numeric ID material
MATERIAL_2 Alphanumeric ID

Expected result:

MATNR40 Description
0000000000000000000000000000000000000142 Numeric ID material
MATERIAL_2 Alphanumeric ID


  • Due to the limited functionality in CDS syntax the only way I see is to nest 10 REPLACE functions to remove digits and compare the result with initial string. If it is initial, then you have only digits, so you can LPAD them with zeroes. If not - use the original value.

    Here's my code:

    @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_V_TEST'
    @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
    @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
    @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
    @EndUserText.label: 'Test'
    define view Z_TEST as select from /bi0/mmaterial {
          case replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(material,
            '0', ''), '1', ''), '2', ''), '3', ''), '4', ''), '5', ''), '6', ''), '7', ''), '8', ''), '9', '')
            when ''
            then lpad(material, 40, '0')
            else material
          end as abap.char(40)
        ) as MATERIAL_ALPHA,

    And the result is:

        select *
        from Z_V_TEST
        where material in ('LAMP', '000000000000454445')
          into table @data(lt_res)
        cl_demo_output=>display( lt_res ).
    MATERIAL_ALPHA                           | MATERIAL 
    0000000000000000000000000000000000454445 | 000000000000454445 
    LAMP                                     | LAMP