I want to have a standard BASH PS1 prompt that will automatically have a colour set based upon the hostname of the server.
This would meant that whenever logging into a server, it would instantly be clear and familiar that you are on that server as the prompt colour would be different to other servers
A given hostname must always give the same colour
I have found similar ideas with hex codes, but this is specifically for use with BASH colours
The idea would then be that there can be a standard bash prompt code snippet that can be included everywhere and will always give different colours for different servers without any further code changes
In a nutshell, the question is what bash function could you write that will take 2 arguments - a string and a hash. It should echo out the string in a colour that is determined by the hash, and the colour should always be the same for any given hash
the answers so far assume that host names are known in advance
I am looking for something that will assign the same random colour deterministically based on whatever host name is for that server
I am definitely not looking for something that requires any kind of code change when installing the PS1 on a new server
This post is along the lines but doesn't seem to have a simple PS1 snippet that I can use https://aweirdimagination.net/2015/02/28/better-hash-based-colors/
I am looking for something that will assign the same random colour deterministically based on whatever host name is for that server
Take a hashing algorithm and compute the hash of the hostname - as to convert a string to numbers. Then use this pseudorandom-number to generate a color.
gen_prompt_function() {
local number
# get "random" string that depends on hostname
md5sum <<<"$HOSTNAME" |
# meh - take first byte and convert it to decimal
cut -c-2 | xargs -i printf "%d\n" "0x{}" |
# convert 0-255 range into 30-37 range
awk '{print int($0/255.0*(37-30)+30)}'
printf '\[\e[%d;1m\]%s\[\e[m\]' "$number" "$HOSTNAME"
PS1="$(gen_prompt_function)"'$ '
Read ANSI escpe sequences, tput and about color handling in terminfo and bash manual controlling prompt. Remember to add \[
around color codes.
PS. In my bash adventures solely for hostname prompt coloring I have written a color handling script that generates a rainbow from 3 RGB colors taken from first 18 characters extracted from hash of a string, like in screeshot below. That script is used in my PS1 configuration.