
How to assign SplFileObject::fpassthru output to variable

I'm currently writing some data to an SplFileObject like this:

$fileObj = new SplFileObject('php://text/plain,', "w+");

foreach($data as $row) {


Now, I want to dump the whole output (string) to a variable.

I know that SplFileObject::fgets gets the output line by line (which requires a loop) but I want to get it in one go, ideally something like this:

$output = $fileObj->fpassthru();

However, this does not work as it simply prints to standard output.

There's a solution for what I'm trying to achieve using stream_get_contents():

pass fpassthru contents to variable

However, that method requires you to have direct access to the file handle.

SplFileObject hides the file handle in a private property and therefore not accessible.

Is there anything else I can try?


  • After writing, do a rewind() then you can read everything. The example is for understanding:

    $fileObj = new SplFileObject('php://memory', "w+");
    $row = [1,2,'test'];  //Test Data
    //now Read
    $rowCopy = $fileObj->fgetcsv();
    var_dump($row == $rowCopy);//bool(true)
    $strLine = $fileObj->fgets();  //read as string
    $expected = "1,2,test\n";
    var_dump($strLine === $expected);  //bool(true)
    //several lines
    for($content = ""; $row = $fileObj->fgets(); $content .= $row);
    var_dump($content === "test2,3,4\ntest3,5,6\n");  //bool(true)

    If you absolutely have to fetch your content with only one command then you can do this too

    // :
    $length = $fileObj->ftell(); 
    $content = $fileObj->fread($length);

    getSize() doesn't work here.