I´m trying to make a scss function to make a material colors palette.
This function should return a map but when I debug, I got this :
SassError: $map: gen-palette(green) is not a map.
This is my code :
$highlight-color: green;
$highlight-palette: gen-palette( $highlight-color );
@debug map-get( $highlight-palette, '50' );
@function gen-palette( $color ) {
$map: (
'50': lighten( $color, 52% ),
'100': lighten( $color, 37% ),
'200': lighten( $color, 26% ),
'300': lighten( $color, 12% ),
'400': lighten( $color, 6% ),
'500': $color,
'600': darken( $color, 6% ),
'700': darken( $color, 12% ),
'800': darken( $color, 18% ),
'900': darken( $color, 24% ),
'A100': lighten( saturate( $color, 30% ), 50% ),
'A200': lighten( saturate( $color, 30% ), 30% ),
'A400': lighten( saturate( $color, 15% ), 10% ),
'A700': lighten( saturate( $color, 5% ), 5% ),
@return $map;
Someone can help me to fix this error, my IDE does not show anything ?
You mixed things up a little. In Sass functions need to be declared before coming to use.
@function gen-palette($color) {
@return (
"50": lighten($color, 52%),
"100": lighten($color, 37%),
"200": lighten($color, 26%),
"300": lighten($color, 12%),
"400": lighten($color, 6%),
"500": $color,
"600": darken($color, 6%),
"700": darken($color, 12%),
"800": darken($color, 18%),
"900": darken($color, 24%),
"A100": lighten(saturate($color, 30%), 50%),
"A200": lighten(saturate($color, 30%), 30%),
"A400": lighten(saturate($color, 15%), 10%),
"A700": lighten(saturate($color, 5%), 5%),
body {
background-color: map-get(gen-palette(#2196f3), "500");