
How can I add jQuery DateTimePicker to my project in visual studio

I have a requirement where I need the following control in my project. I am using MVC application in this project.


But, I am totally unsure how I can use this control in my project, as I am doing this for the first time. I did followed the steps that they have given. I installed those packages in one of my local folder. But this folder is different location and the project I am using is in different location. Should I install this package in the location of my project where I am using this? Please someone help me with this.


  • Step 1: To add the jQuery DateTimePicker package to a project:

    1. In the Visual Studio go to Tools ► NuGet Package Manager ► Manage NuGet Packages for Solution....
    2. Click on the Browse tab. Type the jQuery-datetimepicker package name and wait until the available packages list is populated.
    3. Then select the jQuery-datetimepicker package, check project(s) the package to be installed and press Install button. Wait while the package is installing.

    Step 2: In case the available packages list does not updated do the following:

    1. In the Visual Studio go to Tools ► Options.... In the Options dialog find out Package Sources under NuGet Package Manager and check that Package sources is set to https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json. So the NuGet Package Manager will use this source to obtain list of available packages:

    enter image description here

    1. Perform Step 1).

    For additional information see Install and manage packages in Visual Studio using the NuGet Package Manager