I am in Linux system and i have 3 different anaconda environments. My issue is that probably i installed some packages locally and i cannot find them. Into the environments the rest users cannot see dnspython, certifi and pymongo packages. I am the only user that can see those packages. I want to find and delete any local package so i can use the environments with no extra packages. For example i just create a new env with name xx and when i run pip freeze
i have already 3 pckgs.
The rest users when they get into this xx env cannot see any installed package with pip freeze
so that's why i think that i've made something locally. Also with conda list
i cannot see dnspython and pymongo packages.
I had install them through pip but with conda list
probably you must also see pip packages.
I find what's was going wrong. I had installed locally packages.
With pip list --user
you can see all your locally pip packages.
With python -m site --user-site
you can see the location of those
locally installed packages.
With rm -rf *
you can delete all packages inside the site-packages dir.
It was into : /home/user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages