
Hazelcast management center shows get latency of 0 ms for replicated map

Setup :


Please let me know how to configure management center UI to show latency in micro/nanoseconds?


  • Management center UI shows around 10k/s request being executed but avg get latency per sec is coming 0ms.

    I believe you're talking about Replicated Map Throughput Statistics in the replicated map details page. The Avg Get Latency column in that table shows on average how much time it took for a cluster member to execute the get operations for the time period that is selected on the top right corner of the table. For example, if you select Last Minute there, you only see the average time it took for the get operations in the last minute.

    I believe it is not showing because it might be in microseconds.

    Cluster is sending it as milliseconds (calculating it as nanoseconds in a newer cluster version but still sending as milliseconds). However, since a replicated map replicates all data on all members and every member contains the whole data set, get latency is typically very low as there's no network trip.

    I guess that the way we render very small metric values confused you. In Management Center UI, we only show two fractional digits. You can see it in action in the below screenshots:

    The request

    The response

    How it looks like in the Management Center UI

    As you can see, since the value is very low, it is shown as 0. I believe we can do a better job rendering these values though (using a smaller time unit for example). I will create an issue for this on our private issue tracker.