I use Google AdMob. I have some buttons and when you click on there is an interstitial ad that is opening.
The problem is that I set in the Google AdMob console a limitation (1 pub every 3 minutes) and in the code, I don't know how to handle this. Will the Ad load even if the user has already clicked on the button before 3 minutes passed? Or the ad will not load and call onAdFailedToLoad()
and so I call my Intent in this method?
Actually, I put my Intent in onAdClosed()
, which permits the user to open activity when he clicks on the close ad.
But if he clicks again in the buttons before 3 minutes passed?
I can't actually try because google mentioned that you must use TestAd while testing your application.
So I discovered that the ad don't load when the frequency cap is reached. But I don't know how to handle this in my code because I set a frequency of 1 Ad every 3 minutes. So the Ad need to load every 3 minutes.
So I put this following code :
if (mInterstitialAd.isLoaded()) {
} else {
//reload ad
mInterstitialAd.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());
Intent intent ....
Each time the user click on button the ad will try to load.