I have deployed keycloak on my EKS cluster and able to access dashboard successfully and created a new realm already.
So I thought of testing my keycloak, and went to https://www.keycloak.org/app/ for testing.
I have created a client with the root URL "https://www.keycloak.org/app/" and created one User also. I have tested successfully my user using account login of my realm.
then I went to https://www.keycloak.org/app/ entered my keycloak URL as https://keycloak.test.nip.io , the realm as Test(same name of my realm), and then client name as a portal(same name client created on keycloak).
When I hit Sign in, it redirects to my keycloak URL but shown We are Sorry... Page not found
Anyone knows why I am receiving this error and how can I avoid that.
Issue fixed. So there is a catch My realm name was Test. So I was entering the same and it was not working and then I tried writing in lowercase as a test. Boom It worked.
TIP: No matter what case your realm name is there, if facing this issue try in Lowercase it solved for me and hope for others also it should work.
Thanks, guys...