
VBA Activate Userform Tab depending on active worksheet

I have a userform with a number of tabs that relate to specific worksheets. I’m trying to activate a specific tab depending on what the active worksheet is when the userform is initialized. Can someone help me out here.


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

If ActiveSheet.Name = "Test1" Then
    MultiPageSheets.SelectedItem.Index = 0

ElseIf ActiveSheet.Name = "Test2" Then
    MultiPageSheets.SelectedItem.Index = 1

ElseIf ActiveSheet.Name = "Test3" Then
    MultiPageSheets.SelectedItem.Index = 2

ElseIf ActiveSheet.Name = "Test4" Then
    MultiPageSheets.SelectedItem.Index = 3

End If

End Sub


  • Try:

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    If ActiveSheet.Name = "Test1" Then
        MultiPageSheets.Value = 0
    ElseIf ActiveSheet.Name = "Test2" Then
        MultiPageSheets.Value = 1
    ElseIf ActiveSheet.Name = "Test3" Then
        MultiPageSheets.Value = 2
    ElseIf ActiveSheet.Name = "Test4" Then
        MultiPageSheets.Value = 3
    End If
    End Sub