
VS Code not linking keyword "this" to current javascript object?

In VS Code, i'm making a js file with this piece of code

const ObjectX = {


And when I'm typing this. and press Ctrl + space I expect VS Code to suggest me with abc() as a member of this but it doesn't.

When I type the full line then press F2 at definition line to rename abc(), VS Code doesn't rename all the calls to as well.

All 2 facts definitely say that VS Code doesn't link the keyword this to current object. This behavior is inconvenient cause another install of VS on another PC do links.

Anyone experienced this can give me a line of configuration to fix VS Code ?

PS1: This is just bad coding experience with VS Code, not the way javascript code works!

PS2: I've tried TypeScript with the same behavior.

PS3: I have intellisense with newest version of VSCode and my jsconfig.json looks like this

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es6",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "experimentalDecorators": true
    "exclude": [


  • The answer is simple but hard to find out:

    Add this line to tsconfig.json of project

      "compilerOptions": {
        "noImplicitThis": true