It would be great for development with Relay to print the GraphQL SDL directly with the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server. Is there a way to do this?
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
sayHello: String
Hot Chocolate Server provides easy ways to print the schema as GraphQL SDL.
You can print any schema by calling ToString
on ISchema
This is a more programmatic way to do it, but never the less it can be quite useful to just print the schema in tests or console tools. Good to know here is that any syntax node will allow you to be printed that way. So, even if you want to print a parsed query, you can just do ToString
on it to get its GraphQL language string representation.
For things like Relay, it is quite useful to have the schema available on an endpoint to just download it. Hot Chocolate server provides in all versions a GraphQL SDL endpoint.
Version 10 and earlier: http://localhost:5000/graphql/schema
Version 11 and newer: http://localhost:5000/graphql?sdl
This URL should be valid when hosting the GraphQL endpoint on the graphql