
Error: CallDepthOverflow when running Powershell startup scripts using Group Policy

I am trying to run a powershell script using Startup in a Group Policy. I have mapped the script in Powershell Scripts Tab under Startup section of the GPO. The script contains a one liner command to set the TimeZone information. Below is the code:

Set-TimeZone -Id "India Standard Time"

Below is the error msg:

Error Message = The script failed due to call depth overflow.
Fully Qualified Error ID = CallDepthOverflow

    Severity = Warning
    Host Name = ConsoleHost
    Host Version = 5.1.17763.592
    Host ID = 836b5c03-9d27-402c-b8da-a169188ff709
    Host Application = -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Set-TimeZone.ps1
    Engine Version = 5.1.17763.592
    Runspace ID = 23e7e0db-3eb1-404c-828d-aefbd89b8e01
    Pipeline ID = 1
    Command Name =
    Command Type =
    Script Name =
    Command Path =
    Sequence Number = 26
    User = LION\SYSTEM
    Connected User =
    Shell ID = Microsoft.PowerShell

The command works when I run the command manually.

Thanks, Rajiv


  • The problem you encounter comes from the fact that you have named your script file with the same name of the cmdlet you are trying to execute.

    Now the script is calling itself time and again..

    Rename your script file into something like Set-IndiaTimeZone.ps1 so it is not the name of a cmdlet you are using inside the script and it should work as expected.