
How to run RMySQL in shinyapps (working fine locally)

I have a weird problem: Using RMySQL from Shiny (running locally) I have no problem to retrieve data from MySQL database (small table, few rows only). But once the app is deployed ( the query result contains zero rows (but column names are fine). Looking at the log:

Warning in dbFetch(rs, n = n, ...) : error while fetching rows

What I am doing wrong? The exact same thing was working before and now I can't make it running. MySQL connection seems fine.


ui <- fluidPage(
    numericInput("nrows", "Enter the number of rows to display:", 5),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$tbl <- renderTable({
        conn <- dbConnect(
            drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
            dbname = "***",
            host = "***",
            username = "***",
            password = "***")
        on.exit(dbDisconnect(conn), add = TRUE)
        dbGetQuery(conn, paste0(
            "SELECT * FROM datasets LIMIT ", input$nrows, ";"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

EDIT: When I use Shiny dummy database (from this example) it is working fine, so looks like some problem with MySQL but can't figure it out what... Any ideas?

dbname = "shinydemo",
host = "",
username = "guest",
password = "guest")

EDIT2 I tried everything. Create new table, new database (same hosting though), different shinyapps account, fresh R installation with all updated packages, still the same problem. When app is running locally, everything is fine. But from shinyapps - error and zero results (except colnames).


  • Ok, I have no idea why, but looks like changing table engine fix the issue

    ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE = InnoDB