I'm trying to implement huawei ads in my app.
I'm testing on samsung galaxy s7 with HMS Core installed.
I've tried running sample from https://github.com/HMS-Core/hms-ads-demo-java
But I keep getting onRewardAdFailedToLoad error 3 which indicates no ads
Also in logcat I see this line: check hms sdk available error
What should I do to resolve it?
I/HiAdSDK.LocationUtils: loc_tag sendAsyncLocationByNative failed because switch is off
I/HiAdSDK.LocationUtils: loc_tag isLocationAvailable = false, return null
I/HiAdSDK.Decouple.PPSApiServiceManager: call remote method: reqRewardAd
V/Surface: sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0
I/HiAdSDK.Decouple.PPSApiServiceManager: call reqRewardAd code: 200 msg: null
I/HiAdSDK.RewardAdLoader: onAdFailed, errorCode:204
Error Code 3 means the ad request is successful, but the server does not return any available ad asset. Currently, Huawei Ad Kit supports Huawei devices, please use Huawei phones to test your app.
If you do not have an Huawei phone, you can use Cloud Debugging of AppGallery Connect to test it. Cloud Debugging tests your app using mainstream Huawei devices provided by Huawei. You can run your app on the latest and most popular Huawei devices to test app functions.
Please kindly refer to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63877454/13329100
For more details, see: Error Codes Supported Devices