I start 8 processes to execute a job, the code in the job like this:
$dir = "/home/test/fileputcontents/0";
if(! is_dir($dir)){
mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
file_put_contents("{$dir}/0.txt", "aaaa\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
but it raises an error which say "No such file or directory" sometimes,not very offen, thanks very much.
Is it because php_mkdir_ex method? Multi-process create directory at the same time.
/* DEPRECATED APIs: Use php_stream_mkdir() instead */
PHPAPI int php_mkdir_ex(const char *dir, zend_long mode, int options)
int ret;
if (php_check_open_basedir(dir)) {
return -1;
if ((ret = VCWD_MKDIR(dir, (mode_t)mode)) < 0 && (options & REPORT_ERRORS)) {
php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
return ret;
Finally, I found the reason from php source code. It's because the directory creation collision. For example:
directory exists, we need create test/fileputcontents/0
, is going to create fileputcontents
,anther process (we call B) is going to create test
again, but it already exists.file_put_contents
before A creates all the directories, then it warns "No such file or directory"
, because fileputcontents/0
does not exist.My solution, create directories because processes start.