I have a path to a .java class like "./src/module/car.java" and i parse it like this:
File sourceFileCar = new File("./src/module/car.java");
CompilationUnit cuCar = StaticJavaParser.parse(sourceFileCar);
How can I get the class name in the car.java file without knowing it before (cant use cuCar.getClassByName)
To access the parsed file, you have to create a visitor class which extends the VoidVisitorAdapter class.
public static class ClassNameCollector extends VoidVisitorAdapter<List<String>>{
public void visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration n, List<String> collector) {
super.visit(n, collector);
After created a class, you have to override visit() method which job is to visit nodes in parsed file. In this case, we use ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration as a method parameter to get the class name and pass List for collecting the name.
In the main class, create a visitor object for using visit() which getting compilation object and list as parameters.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
List<String> className = new ArrayList<>();
// Create Compilation.
CompilationUnit cu = StaticJavaParser.parse(new File(FILE_PATH));
// Create Visitor.
VoidVisitor<List<String>> classNameVisitor = new ClassNameCollector();
// Visit.
// Print Class's name
className.forEach(n->System.out.println("Class name collected: "+n));
The result shows below.
Class name collected: InvisibleClass
Class name collected: VisibleClass
Class name collected: ReversePolishNotation
Hope this might solves you question :)