
Laravel 5.7 mongodb atlas connection problem using jenssegers/mongodb

I want to connect my laravel 5.7 application(I used the 3.4 version of jenssegers/mongodb) with a mongodb in atlas, I tried in localhost(I isntalled the mongo extension) and everything is ok but with atlas i got an error message:

Failed to parse MongoDB URI: 'mongodb://'. Invalid host string in URI.

My env file:


My database config:

'mongodb' => [
    'driver'   => 'mongodb',
    'dsn' => env('DB_DSN'),
    'database' => env('DB_DATABASE'),


  • Even with the 'srv' format I'm getting the same error, The problem is that I'm using the version 3.4.0 of jenssegers/mongodb, I upgraded to version 3.4.6 and used the 'srv' format and problem is solved now !