Now I use the code below to format and insert values.
function AddName () {
const range1 = ['Q4:Q','S4:S','U4:U','W4:W','Y4:Y','AA4:AA','AC4:AC','AE4:AE',
range1.reverse().forEach(c => sheet.getRange(c).setNumberFormat('0.00%'));
const range = ['Q1','S1','U1','W1','Y1','AA1','AC1','AE1','AG1','AI1','AK1',
range.reverse().forEach(c => sheet.getRange(c).setValue('% наценки'));
Is it possible to further reduce the cost of the request and speed up the script? When formatting a lot of files, it will save me a lot of time
I believe your goal as follows.
Before you use this script, please enable Sheets API at Advanced Google services. And, please set the variables of spreadsheetId
, sheetName
and ranges
. ranges
is from your script. When you want to more ranges, please add them to the array.
function myFunction() {
const spreadsheetId = "###"; // Please set the Spreadsheet ID.
const sheetName = "Sheet1"; // Please set the sheet name.
// Please set the ranges. In this sample, a part of your ranges is used. So please modify this for your actual situation.
const ranges = ['Q4:Q','S4:S','U4:U',,,];
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId).getSheetByName(sheetName);
const sheetId = sheet.getSheetId();
const rangeList = sheet.getRangeList(ranges).getRanges();
const requests = rangeList.flatMap(r => [
{repeatCell:{cell:{userEnteredFormat:{numberFormat:{type:"PERCENT",pattern:"0.00%"}}},range:{sheetId:sheetId,startRowIndex:r.getRow() - 1,startColumnIndex:r.getColumn() - 1,endColumnIndex:r.getColumn() + r.getNumColumns() - 1},fields:"userEnteredFormat"}},
{updateCells:{rows:[{values:[{userEnteredValue:{stringValue:"%наценки"}}]}],range:{sheetId:sheetId,startRowIndex:0,endRowIndex:1,startColumnIndex:r.getColumn() - 1,endColumnIndex:r.getColumn() + r.getNumColumns() - 1},fields:"userEnteredValue"}}
Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({requests: requests}, spreadsheetId);
exceeds grid limits. Max rows: 1000, max columns: 26
occurs. So please be careful this. Before you use this script, please add columns to the sheet for your ranges