
TestNG Parallel execution always fails when i run more than one testcase, Among all only one testscript was passing

I am using Testng for parallel execution of my web testcase. Totally i am having 5 classes.

  1. BaseClass - for initializing and closing of my browser
  2. Core class - Mediator for all drivers initialized
  3. Reusable methods - Click, settext, gettext... [extends Step #2 Core class, so driver comes from there only]
  4. Page Object Class - To store all locators like name,ID,xpath.Uses all those reusable methods like click, gettext,settext.
  5. Main Test Class.

Base Class

public class TestNGBase {
ThreadLocal<WebDriver> localdriver = new ThreadLocal<>();

public void initialize(){
    localdriver.set(new ChromeDriver());

public WebDriver driver(){
    return localdriver.get();

public void teardown(){

Core Class:

public class Core {

protected static WebDriver driver;

public static void setDriver(WebDriver driverr) {
    driver = driverr;

Reusable Class:

public class WebMethods extends Core {
public WebMethods() {

public static void Click(By by) {              

PageObject Class

public class pagemethods(){

By login ="login");

public void login(){;}

MainTestclass1 : Will use above Pageobject MainTestclass2 : Will use above Pageobject MainTestclass3 : Will use above Pageobject

So in above 3 testcase when i trigger all those using testng.xml file. 3 new browser gets initialized and it successfully opens the url. But when i start using the all those reusable methods such as click(). Out of 3 Testcase, any of the two testcase is always getting failed.

I think problem starts Core class as it receives all drivers at the same time. It's collapsing something.

Can some one help me to solve this parallel execution failure problem.



  • Try to not make the main class static. Create a class that makes an instance of the class and then executes. When you make a static class, the method is hanging off of that class, not an instance.


    public WebDriver
    WebDriver myWebDriver = new WebDriver();

    When using threads avoid static. Try that first.