I have a large number of .pbs files that I want to submit to a remote cluster. I want to be able to name the .pbs file something like "param1_123_param2_45.pbs", and then feed them into the ARGS for a Julia code. Below is an example .pbs of what I'm trying to do:
1 #!/bin/tcsh
2 #PBS -l mem=10gb,nodes=1:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00
3 #PBS -j oe
4 #PBS -o ./log/julia.${PBS_JOBID}.out
5 #PBS -t 1-3
7 module load julia/1.5.1 python/3.8.1
9 cd path/to/file
11 julia Example.jl 123 45
Except 123 & 45 are replaced by some general terms given in the name of the .pbs file. Is there an easy way to do this?
You can use AWK. For example, content of file param1_123_param2_45.pbs
PARAM1=$( echo ${0%%.pbs} | awk -F "_" '{print $2}' )
PARAM2=$( echo ${0%%.pbs} | awk -F "_" '{print $4}' )
echo "Filename: $0"
echo "Param 1: $PARAM1"
echo "Param 2: $PARAM2"
Running: bash param1_123_param2_45.pbs
Filename: param1_123_param2_45.pbs
Param 1: 123
Param 2: 45